Emerging Lawyers - Emerging Lawyers have been identified by their peers to be among the TOP LAWYERS who are age 40 or younger unless they have practiced for no more than 10 years. Less than 2% of all lawyers licensed in each state have received the distinction of Emerging Lawyer.
Michael A. Passananti
Closely & Privately Held Business Law
Tax Law: Business
Tax Law: Individual
Trust, Will & Estate Planning Law
Scott A. Sissel
Closely & Privately Held Business Law
Tax Law: Individual
Trust, Will & Estate Planning Law
Rafael A. Ruiz-Ayala
Closely & Privately Held Business Law
Health Law
Mergers & Acquisitions Law
Publicly Held Corporations Law
Securities & Venture Finance Law
Russell Q. Thirsk
Tax Law: Business
Tax Law: Individual
Trust, Will & Estate Planning Law
Brian C. Konkel
Arts, Entertainment & Sports Law
Ronnie E. Webb Jr.